Friday, March 2, 2012

Japan´s company wants to build a lift into space,elevator will be powered by electricity produced in part by solar energy

A trip to space with rocket? No! The Japanese opted for an alternative. They want to build a lift that will reach up to 96 thousand kilometers above the ground.
Japan's Obayashi Corp company wants to implement a project, which once described AC Clarke's novel in 1979 - lift into orbit. In 1991 discovered carbon nanotubes. These units, whose walls consist of carbon atoms are light and 20-times stronger than steel, says company. The entire project should be completed around 2050.
Carbon nanotubes are used for example in electrical engineering. They serve as excellent conductors because the electrons which can move almost freely. Resistance of the nanotubes is very small and almost independent of their length.Under the plan, which the company introduced this week, will be of 36-one thousand kilometers built space station. To her, the elevator car, designed for 30 passengers, which will go at 200 km / h, will be 7 and a half days. There will be housed laboratories and living quarters.
Construction work should begin in 2025. "The rocket would deliver two coiled wires from carbon nanotubes and other materials to an altitude of about 300 km. Spacecraft, which will rise up, they will gradually evolve towards Earth until it reaches the top of 96-thousand kilometers. It is about a quarter of the distance of Earth from the Moon, "she Japantimes by Obayashi.
Elevator will be powered by electricity produced in part by solar energy. You will provide solar panels installed on the surface of the space station, said the firm. The Company is currently unable to calculate how much funding will be needed to výstabu(construction timing) space elevator. "We would like to implement the project because it saves the cost of space exploration in the future," says Satomi Katsuyama, the project manager.

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