Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stinking city of garbage !

Imagine the smell of garbage 18-million center. The Mokattam hills, on the outskirts of Cairo, is situated Manshiyat Naser village full of garbage. You say that at least one less than is found in our country in the east? The Egyptian economy, however, revolves around the collection and recycling of municipal waste, as the city has its official collection. Each family specializes in a kind of organic and that is used to feed pigs. Metals are melted down and reused, children sorted plastic bottles and glass products sold in the city. Carts with 3 m mountain trash pull horses. Here you will find shops and flats but there is often no water and electricity or plumbing does not work. Residents of at least save on air fresheners. Tie them in combination is malfunctioning drainage and odor in the village did not help too. However, it has one advantage ... unemployed, you are looking for is difficult.

There is a trailer to documentary about this city.

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