Saturday, April 14, 2012

5 more ways to improve your eco-habits

• Go natural! Skip herbicides or pesticides when caring for your lawn and garden. And turn off the leaf blower, too. You’ll lessen noise and air pollution and raking leaves is great exercise.

• Strip It! Put all your kitchen appliances on a power strip so they can be switched off and on quickly.

• Ditch Your Dryer! Take a tip from Australia and abandon your power hungry clothes dryer. Use a clothesline to dry your clothes outside instead.

• Eliminate waste! Don’t throw out kitchen and lawn scraps, start a compost pile or barrel with them. Composting lightens the load being taken to the landfill considerably, and is one of the best ways to have natural fertilizer for your plants. (Read Spin the Barrel — Making a Rotating Barrel Composter for more info on composting.) Also, change all your light bulbs to CFL's.

• Be fuel wise. Ease up a little on the gas pedal. It really works.

Small changes add up quickly. If we all made just a few, the improvements could be dramatic.

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